Sunday, March 24, 2013

Melt Down Mania…

Howdy Candies…I have no idea what in the world happened & I just wanted to touch base to let you know that I have lost every single image on my blog & no idea how to fix it all.  Over 2 years worth of photos.  So if you click on them you can view them in another tab.  I’ve been a bitty absent for a substantial amount of time to re-group & gather myself heARTisticly & in Business.  I appreciate your patience while I’m making all of the transitions as Blogger & my normal publishing format are having current issues reading one another.  
I do have a new do to share that may help in waiting until I get some things uploaded of what I’ve done.  HUGS xoxo


Yes…I’d say if going through my google & fixing duplicated images had totally affected my entire blog & every entry then I would gander to say I won’t ever be touching that feature again lol.  This is cause for nearly a total meltdown to wake up to.  Thanks for Stamping By…

1 comment:

Thank You for sharing your heARTfelt Thoughts!